Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 1: Playing with the Scanner

My Pet is a pair of little kid's gloves. I started off with a few obvious ideas, so from worst to best:

How do you show a glove without showing a glove? Make an outline of a hand? Sure, why not?

Another way to show a glove without showing a glove is to take a picture of a hand. Ground-breaking, yes, I know.

Then I decided it might be fun to put the gloves on my feet. Something you don't see everyday, no?

Then I thought about using a scanner, just to fiddle around with it, and came up with this mushy-looking thing.

Then I discovered the extendable arm.

Then I put the gloves on and scanned my hands that way. This didn't look as cool as just putting the gloves on the scanner though.

So then I just threw them on and put them all over the place.

Then instead of having them flat, I mushed them all up.

Then I closed the scanner on top of them. Much easier to see, yes?

This one is my favorite. I wanted to kind of make it look like a tree, with the one glove on the bottom being the trunk, and having the fingers of the glove be the branches. It didn't exactly turn out that way, but I still think it looks really cool.

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