Monday, May 30, 2011

"The Perfect Fit"

As I was trying to figure out what I should do for the second part of this project, I thought that doing something about "The Perfect Fit" would be good. Like what job is right for you, what school is right for you, what major is right for you based on interests, something along those lines. So first, I had 5 different people put on the original "pet" glove that I was given, and then I had them put on different gloves. If I want to do this I think I'll have to find more different styled gloves--like frilly, gardening, super thick, super thin, different colors, etc.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Experimenting with Fire

Okay, not really, but I did play around with a stove burner, and I discovered that if you put a little black glove on a hot burner, it will smell terrible and your glove will shrivel up like a raison. Sure, it looks kinda cool, but the smell is not even close to worth it. Also, if you put the glove on after you burn it, it makes your hand smell really weird.

I also learned that even if you're wearing a glove, if you hold your hand 2 inches away from a hot burner on high, it will still feel like you've burnt your hand.

I have learned some pretty valuable life lessons.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Week Two Photos

This week I had some trouble thinking of anything beyond what first popped into my head, so unfortunately, this is all I was able to come up with.

Kind of a fun angle.

Shadow person coming in through the window crack?

A bouquet of winter wear

Yarn person coming out of the cabinet.

Kind of fun-looking.

Mostly I just like the lighting on this one.

An arm.

Close up.

A bunch of winter wear.

A different angle of winter wear.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Week 1: Playing with the Scanner

My Pet is a pair of little kid's gloves. I started off with a few obvious ideas, so from worst to best:

How do you show a glove without showing a glove? Make an outline of a hand? Sure, why not?

Another way to show a glove without showing a glove is to take a picture of a hand. Ground-breaking, yes, I know.

Then I decided it might be fun to put the gloves on my feet. Something you don't see everyday, no?

Then I thought about using a scanner, just to fiddle around with it, and came up with this mushy-looking thing.

Then I discovered the extendable arm.

Then I put the gloves on and scanned my hands that way. This didn't look as cool as just putting the gloves on the scanner though.

So then I just threw them on and put them all over the place.

Then instead of having them flat, I mushed them all up.

Then I closed the scanner on top of them. Much easier to see, yes?

This one is my favorite. I wanted to kind of make it look like a tree, with the one glove on the bottom being the trunk, and having the fingers of the glove be the branches. It didn't exactly turn out that way, but I still think it looks really cool.